Tuesday, April 12, 2016

NOVICE - Grilled Cheese Ep. 2

The continuing adventures of Grilled Cheese. . . 

March brought a trip to Fayetteville, Arkansas to see my older son and a visit to my first and favorite grilled cheese specific restaurant -  Hammontree's.  There are 16 sandwiches on the menu - so I really should have invited 13 more of you along.  Instead we were able to sample three of the sandwiches - all of which come highly recommended.

Caleb got the PARMAGEDDON without the mushrooms and on sourdough.  I got the SCARLET CHEDDAR on sourdough.  The 24 month vintage cheddar was incredible.  I can't recommend this highly enough.  The third sandwich is untitled because I just plain forgot to write it down in my excitement over the sandwiches.

In late March and early April we tried a couple other variations at home.

First we tried a very basic grilled cheese with bacon.  That's your basic topping and hard to do wrong.  The next attempt with pulled pork was even better.  The different meats all work quite well in the grilled cheese format.  I don't know that any single meat or combo of meats would be wrong.

Today, April 12th is National Grilled Cheese Day.  We celebrated with a little different take on the traditional sandwich.  The bread is dipped in egg like French Toast and coated with parmesan cheese.  The cheese inside is melted mozzarella.  I added tomato and jalapeno to mine and we dipped them in a vodka tomato sauce.  It's a nice little cheesestick style sandwich.

Still a novice we are just starting to expand horizons.  Nothing really crazy yet.  There are still some more breads and cheeses to judge.  So far the sourdough bread is the clear winner.

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